摘要:Summary (HIV and related infections in Italian prisons: epidemiology and health organization). - HIV
and other infections represent an important health problem in Italian jails. In particular, HIV prevalence is
high, due to the characteristics of the prison population, which is constituted by a large proportion of injecting
drug users and foreigners. In addition, data from other countries suggest that risky behaviour are not
uncommon during imprisonment, and transmission of HIV and other infection in this setting may also occur.
Data from surveys conducted by the Penitentiary Authority in Italian jails show a decline of HIV
seroprevalence from 9.7% in 1990 to 2.6% in 2001. However, these data are largely incomplete and do not
account for possible biases due to self-selection of inmates toward HIV serological testing or to variations in
the access to screening activities. More accurate data, possibly obtained through anonymous unlinked surveys,
are needed in order to better plan health services and preventive measures.
关键词:Key words: HIV, jail, epidemiology, health organization.