摘要:This study investigates the process of using journals that incorporated holistic approaches
(cognitive, affective, spiritual, multiple intelligences, and inclusive education) to infuse passion,
engage students in deeper reflection, and foster higher level personal skills reflected in the
American Institute of Certified Public Accountants’ (AICPA) Core Competencies. The journal
writing process was used in a managerial accounting class that incorporated a service-learning
experience. The course is an introductory level cost accounting course required of all business
students. The use of journal writing as a teaching tool in this study provides substantial evidence
of the student meaning making process as they reflected individually in journals and in
collaboration with others. The holistic approaches used in this classroom journal writing
experience evoked feelings and imagination using symbols, film, quotations, and open-ended
questions. Students developed the ability to listen more deeply to the multiple perspectives of the
diverse population within their class and in the community. Students became more self-confident
and formed deeper connections with others as they worked together in the classroom and
community in a nurturing and open environment. As they reflected deeply in journals about their
service-learning experience mission and their own identities, values, and relationships they
solved problems more effectively, communicated better, and deepened their understanding of
business, accounting, and diversity issues. This growth in learning was perceived by participants
and observed by me from their journals, discussions, and group work.