出版社:Urad za Makroekonomske Analize in Razvoj (UMAR) / Institute of Macroeconomic Analysis and Development (IMAD)
摘要:Slovenia needs far-reaching changes in general government expenditure if it is to achieve its development goals. Structural
changes were laid out in the 2005 Strategy of Slovenia’s Development, and the present i nancial crisis and economic recession
lend increasing urgency to changes designed to improve the ei ciency of spending. This can only be achieved by selecting
ei cient spending programmes that will underpin balanced development (economic growth, welfare state and environmental
protection) and ensure ei cient drawing of available EU funds.
General government expenditure as a share of GDP is below the EU-27 average in Slovenia, and only nine Member States
had lower expenditure in 2008. In Slovenia the decrease in general government expenditure as a share of GDP in the period
2000–2007 (by 4.3 p.p.) was achieved principally with a reduction in productive expenditure (by 2.3 p.p.), but also with cuts
in social protection expenditure (by 1.8 p.p.) and non-productive expenditure excluding social protection expenditure (by
0.2 p.p.). EU Member States with the highest per capita GDP in PPS increased productive expenditure relative to GDP in the
2000–2007 period, but in Slovenia it dropped. Social protection expenditure as a share of GDP was well below the EU-27 average
in 2007. Like the classii cation by function, the economic classii cation clearly shows the need to change the structure of general
government expenditure.
关键词:Key words: public i nance, spending programmes, ei ciency of spending