摘要:The characteristics of European labour markets
are centre stage to many policy issues.
Structural problems causing impediments in the
adjustment process are widely perceived to be a key
reason for persistent unemployment problems in a
number of European countries. Furthermore, the
formation of the European Monetary Union is often
taken to put further demands on the flexibility of
wages to compensate for lack of (national) instru-
ments to deal with country specific shocks. In the
absence of sufficient flexibility it follows that asym-
metries and differences in labour market perfor-
mance across European countries may not only per-
sist but increase. However, labour market structures
and institutions may adapt as a response to the inte-
gration process, and therefore it is necessary to eval-
uate the mechanisms through which labour markets
could be affected by integration before any conclu-
sions on the need for structural labour market
reforms can be made