摘要:The role of unemployment insurance (UI) in pro-
longing unemployment duration is well estab-
lished. Job search theory informs us that subsidized
search will elevate the reservation wage, and an
extensive empirical literature has duly confirmed the
prediction that this will lead to longer unemploy-
ment duration on the part of recipients (see
Mortensen 1997; Devine and Kiefer 1991). But the
other key prediction when benefits are finite – that
the disincentive effects of UI will vary through time,
declining with the approach of benefit expiration –
has been altogether less subject to empirical scrutiny.
Only a handful of studies have allowed for time-
varying UI effects, although they clearly reject the
constraint that unemployment benefits have the
same effect throughout the course of the jobless
spell (see Addison and Portugal 2004). Finally, there
is no real theoretical recognition of the various exit
options available to the unemployed individual and
virtually no investigation of whether access to UI
affects choice between them.