摘要:This study examines the impact of monetary variables on the balance of payments of Pakistan. Besides, exogoneity of monetary variables is also tested. The empirical findings of the study show that balance of payments is a monetary phenomenon and monetary policy could be useful in improving the foreign sector. The studies so far have not confirmed this effect. The study also shows that an increase in price level and real income lead foreign reserves to inflow. However, an increase in the interest rate, money multiplier and domestic credit lead international reserves to outflow. Partial sterilisation was evident in the short run. But in the long run, it tends to be equal to minus one, indicating no sterilisation effect on the foreign reserve movements. The central implication derived from the study is that an increasing government budget deficit leads to excessive expansion in domestic credit creation and as a result a loss of foreign reserves. The null hypothesis for exogoneity of price level, real income, interest rate and inflation rate to foreign reserves is accepted. However, the null hypothesis for the exogoneity of domestic credit is rejected for the general model but accepted for the linear model. It appears that monetary policy is effective in Pakistan