出版社:Departamento de Engenharia de Produção e Sistemas
摘要:This study aims the application of Brazilian Central Bank 2682/99 Resolution to identify the
Probability of Default ranked by time and the Probability of Default provision. This study is
characterized as a descriptive/qualitative research. The sample of twenty-one Private High
Schools of the Paraná State/Brazil, of one holding, was analyzed using the criteria of
Brazilian Central Bank 2682/99 Resolution during the years of 2004, 2005 and 2006. The
comparison of results year by year, using Net Profitability of Default and Potential Loss
criteria, concluded that the 2682/99 Resolution application is not totally compatible with the
credit characteristics of the Brazilian educational institutions. There are evidence that the
Potential Loss calculated for the 2004, 2005 and 2006 years was 2.4%, 2.01% and 1.17%
respectively showing a reduction over time.
关键词:Resolution 2682/99, Probability of Default, Private High Schools