The overall growth performance of the MENA region over has been both mixed and characterized
by a higher degree of volatility compared with other regions in the world. The model developed in this paper
is applied to explore the role of income in explaining the trade performance of 13 selected Mena countries during
1996-2008 and estimates the impact of the growth in per capita income on the trade of three agrifood products
using SITC REV.03 database. The results of the quantitative analysis indicate that there is a positive
relationship between distances between trade partners, not as it was expected. High quality agriifood products
in not close exporter countries can be the most reason. Having an agricultural agreement between the exporter
and importer countries has the statistically positive effect on importing of these three agrifood sectors.
Most of the income elasticities are found elastic in this study. In the other word selected countries tend to
increase the import of three agrifood sectors by increasing in income per capita.