期刊名称:Departmental Discussion Papers / University of Glasgow, Department of Economics
出版社:University of Glasgow, Department of Economics
摘要:Benefits from providing a local public good such as landscape protection may depend on
individuals’ physical surroundings, as well as on socio-economic factors such as income. A
framework is formulated that describes public support for regional landscape protection as a
function of socio-economic variables and land use patterns. Models are then estimated using data
from a referendum on increasing public funding for local landscape protection in the Swiss
canton of Zurich, using detailed land use statistics. These represent proportions of open
landscape and landscape features that are viewed as particularly valuable for aesthetic and other
reasons. Cross-sectional estimation results suggest that attitudes towards public landscape
protection are indeed strongly influenced by the local landscape and its recent dynamics. A
comparison of results for this local environmental public good with referendum outcomes on
national-level environmental issues and non-environmental public goods is also presented.
关键词:agricultural landscape; amenity values; referendum voting; public goods;
agricultural policy.