期刊名称:Departmental Discussion Papers / University of Glasgow, Department of Economics
出版社:University of Glasgow, Department of Economics
摘要:W e presentempiricalevidence on the forces drivingrealexchange rates in
thelongrun. U singdatafromthreeindustrialisedcountries, we…ndsupport
forthehypothesis thatproductivityand …scalshocksmatter. T hereis also
evidence, however, thattheimpactof…scalshocks onlymatters intheshort
andmedium-run. In some cases …scalshocks cause depreciations, and this
is probably explained by themonetary accomodation of…scalshocks. T he
traditionalH arrod-B alassa-Samuelsone¤ectofproductivityonrealexchange
rates is also found to be reversed in some cases, which demonstrates the