出版社:Faculdade de Teologia, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul
摘要:With the Second Vatican Council was begun a movement of ecclesiastical renovation, emphasizing the process of faith education. The return to the origins has caused a renovation of methods, contents and notions of cathechesis. In Latin America the Conferences of Bishops have exerted influence on the change of the mentality and practice, since Medellín to Aparecida. In Brazil stand out the document Catequese Renovada (Renewed Cathechesis) of CNBB as well as the, Diretório Nacional de Catequese (National Directory of Cathechesis). There is, however, a great task challenging our practice of cathechesis. It is necessary to remain in the post-council steps. This article brings together some important aspects for the cathechesis in Latin America and Brazil, aiming to remember and deepen this relevant subject for our Christian communities.