摘要:The trend toward technology enhanced classrooms has escalated quickly during the past
five years as students have become increasingly tech-savvy. Classrooms across the nation have
become “wired” and textbook publishers now offer a wide variety of computerized teaching
supplements. In fact, some may argue that technology is now expected in the college classroom.
The objective of this research is to examine whether the use of technology in university classes
impacts student behavior and student perceptions of instructional quality. This paper summarizes
the results of a survey administered to students enrolled in business courses at a mid-sized
Midwestern university. The results suggest that adding technology in courses where it is not
currently used is likely to have a positive impact on student perceptions of the instructor and on
student behavior. However, removing technology from courses that already use it would not
appear to have a negative impact on all aspects of student behavior. Overall there are certain
aspects of student behavior (the amount of time that students study, the quantity of notes they
take, their attendance, and their interaction with the instructor) which appear to be technology
neutral. In contrast, technology tends to have a meaningful impact on student preparation for
class, attentiveness, quality of notes taken, student participation in class, student learning, desire
to take additional classes from the instructor or in the subject matter, and the overall evaluation
of the course and the instructor.