期刊名称:Universitatea Politehnica din Timisoara. Buletinul Stiintific. Seria Chimie si Ingineria Mediului
出版社:Universitatea Politehnica din Timisoara
摘要:Due to its economical importance, the well 4058 from Sacuieni was taken for study. The chemical composition of geothermal waters from this well was established by using standard methods of analysis. Taking into account the major anions and cations, it was made a classification of these waters by using the ternary diagrams. Based on the chemical composition by the use of simulation computer programs it was assessed the temperature of the geothermal reservoir and there were estimated scaling problems which could appear during the well utilization. There were collected and analysed solid depositions and the results were compared to those estimated by simulation program.
关键词:well 4058, chemical geothermometers, ternary diagram