期刊名称:Universitatea Politehnica din Timisoara. Buletinul Stiintific. Seria Chimie si Ingineria Mediului
出版社:Universitatea Politehnica din Timisoara
摘要:Felix geothermal resort located at about 6 km to Oradea is a useful place for balneological treatment in Romania. Geothermal waters from well 4003 Felix have been direct used in a hospital, where are treated rheumatic diseases. The main aim when exploitating a production well is to have continuous operation. Corrosion and scaling on the equipments surfaces is one of the biggest problem during geothermal water utilization. The chemical composition of the geothermal waters from well 4003 was established by the use of analytical procedures. Based on the chemical data, a simulation computer program was used to assess the possibility of scale formations. Scale depositions, caused by corrosion and mineral precipitation from the water, were thermic and XRD analysed and the results were compared to the predicted ones. In order to prevent the scales it was made a test by the use of chemical additives, in static conditions. The results indicated the good efficiency of the used inhibitor.