出版社:Fundación Científica y Tecnológica de la Asociación Chilena
摘要:The effects of laboral gymnastics on workers health have been much studied. However, various gaps have still to be filled. The benefits of regular physical activity for population health are classical, such as the reduction in cardiovascular risks, diabetes, obesity, some types of cancers and musculo-skeletal conditions. Objective: To verify the interference of a three months period of physical activity on the quality of life of the production line and office employees at an automobile metal industry. Method: Ten male employees who had never done laboral gymnastics and 30 employees of the laboral gymnastics group of an industry in Piracicaba, São Paulo state, were selected to participate. Instrument used for the collection of data was the SF-36 questionnaire. Average heart rate was evaluated during the gymnastics session to estimate the band of physical effort intensity required from employees intensely. Results: An increase of a 24% in the heart rate at rest, reaching a 48% of the maximum heart rate of participants, was demonstrated. In the limitation parameters by physical aspects, pain, vitality, emotional aspects, social aspects and mental health, no significant differences were found after the experimental period, in spite of increased values. Conclusion: The application of a three months period of laboral gymnastics may have contributed to the improvement in quality of life of employees of the industry, mainly in the overall health condition dimension.