期刊名称:Annals of the University of Oradea : Economic Science
出版社:University of Oradea
摘要:Starting from the role of small-and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) sector that is widely recognized at
European level in the generation of economic growth, regional development and work places, the present
paper aims to investigate the evolution and density of SMEs sector from 6 counties (Maramureş, Satu
Mare, Bihor, Arad, Caraş-Severin, Timiş) from Western part of Romania, regarding the quantitative
evolution, structural, and demographical particularities comparative to the rest of Romania, in order to
detect an eventual specialization of those. Also, in order to orient the SMEs sector from the investigated
counties to these initiatives that correspond to their nature, exploiting the possibilities offered by local and
regional potential, the paper determines and analyzes the localization (specialization) coefficient, as the
ratio between the share of employment in a sector in total employment of a region and share of
employment in that sector in total employment in the country, for investigated counties. The work
represents preliminary research results from the project called ―The Entrepreneurship and the Equality of
Chances. An Inter-Regional Model of Entrepreneurial School for Women‖ financed through the European
Social Fund, ―Be enterprising!‖. The statistical data used have been offered by virtue of accords of
collaboration in the mentioned project from the Maramureş, Satu Mare, Bihor, Arad, Caraş-Severin, Timiş
County Directorates of Statistics.
关键词:SMEs sector, SMEs density, specialization coefficient, regional development