期刊名称:Annals of the University of Oradea : Economic Science
出版社:University of Oradea
摘要:Over the past two decades, globalisation has given a boost to world trade, has grown one and a half times
faster than world output, and the difference has even been considerably higher in recent years as world
trade growth accelerated very strongly. More and more goods and services have entered the markets, and
domestic companies have increasingly engaged in international trade. So what is the export
competitiveness of an economy in the global market? Despite its acknowledged importance, the concept of
competitiveness is still misunderstood, and a discussion of its underpinnings remains a central task.
Competitiveness is nowadays a central preoccupation of all countries in an increasingly open and
integrated world economy. In this paper, we will try to generally define competitiveness and particularly,
we will focus on defining the export competitiveness, in order to offer a conceptual framework for a better