出版社:Universidade Federal do Parana̧, Departamento de Psicologia
摘要:This article presents the results of a longitudinal psychosocial investigation about adolescentmotherhood among poor teenagers in the State of São Paulo. This study has researched psychosocialconditions associated to teenage pregnancy at two time points: (1) in the initial months afterchildbirth; (2) approximately four years after childbirth. The research included open-ended interviews,performed at home. These young mothers indicated that they were responsible for raising theirchildren, and they did not perceive motherhood in a negative manner. Their educational setbacks hadincreased, particularly due to the recurring changes of address. The perception of the proximity ofsocial risks associated with their living in poor environments was expressed as being common.Mothers valued their children, although they reported that the children interfered with their leisuretime. Having children appeared to protect mothers from exposure to other risky behaviors such asdrug use.