出版社:Universidade Federal do Parana̧, Departamento de Psicologia
摘要:The development of the social skills repertoire in children, including empathic behaviors may beinfluenced by different cultural/social factors that interact with individual characteristics. Consideringthis question, the present study aimed to: (a) verify differences and similarities in the repertoire ofempathy in blind and sighted children and (b) identify a possible influence of the socio-demographicvariables on the empathic repertoire of blind and sighted children. Participants included 16 blindchildren and 16 sighted, attending regular schools, aged between seven and 10, along with theirparents and teachers. Data was collected through the Questionnaire for the Evaluation of the EmpathyBehavioral Indicators of Children (answered by the parents and teachers); the Social Skills RatingSystem (SSRS-BR); a script for the observation of the empathic behavior in structured situations; aprotocol of molar and molecular observation of the empathic behaviors. Data indicated that, in relationto the empathic repertoire, there was no statistically significant difference between blind and sightedchildren and that this result was not affected by the socio-demographic variables measured in thisstudy. Therefore, the lack of the sight did not compromise the development of empathy of blindchildren. The current findings are in accordance with the literature.Key words: Empathy; Sociodemographic variables; Blind and sighted children