The sustained investment and deployment of modern Information Systems (IS) in U.S. corporations have increased interest in the study of factors influencing end-user acceptance and utilization of IS. Since utilization has been shown to be a critical element of IS success, great attention has been given to the factors that positively influence end-users to utilize Information Technology (IT) platforms. This study concentrates on the research of early indicators of utilization of a recently deployed IS, known as the Empowered Desktop, at Pacific Bell.
Survey questionnaires were gathered from 58 participants located at the Alhambra, California Network Engineering Center. The study findings provided substantial support for the proposed research model. Perceived usefulness was identified as the principal determinant of system utilization. Computer Self-efficacy was found to be a significant but less substantive influence on usage directly and indirectly through perceived usefulness. Of the two environmental variables, social pressure was found to be the most significant. The results of this study were similar to other IS studies involving a different set of demographic groups. The higher correlation of environmental variables provided and the accentuated importance of perceived usefulness provided significant contributions to the study of IS utilization in a more typical corporate organizational environment.