摘要:This study analyses the changes in household income structure
before and after the Foreign Exchange Crisis, and measures the
direction and size of contributions of a number of di®erent in-
come sources at the household level. Based on the wage-earner
household sample in Urban Household Income and Expenditure
Survey, it is found that there is an increasing reliance on assets
and debts instruments among the top 30% of income distribution
since 1999. The bottom 30% of the income distribution tend to
rely more on the wage income of household head, whereas the top
30% tend to show relatively large contribution from the wage in-
come of spouses. Accordingly, it is found that the household head
wage income has an inequality decreasing e®ect at the household
level whereas the spouse wage income shows inequality increasing
e®ect, where the magnitude of such e®ect is far smaller for the
关键词:Inequality; Decomposition; Income source; Dynamic
Decomposition; Correlation E®ect