出版社:Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação, Universidade do
摘要:This text aims at questioning the curricular paradigms that framed and structured the Portuguese Basic Education from the late 80s through the early 21st century. Our work was based on the discourses of both the curricular reform for Basic Education that took place in the late 80s / early 90s and the curricular reorganization that started in 1997/8 with the Flexible Management Project regulated by the Law nr 6/2001 of the 18th January. Through the educational and curricular principles that structure each of those proposals, it is our aim to establish the relation between those principles and the conceptions of innovation. In conclusion, we intend to make an analytical characterization of the curricular paradigms that sustained two proposals for the curricular organization of the Portuguese Basic Education during a ten-year period, pointing out the main aspects of the discourses and the changes in Education.