期刊名称:Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi
出版社:Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi, İlahiyat Fakültesi
摘要:In this article, it is aimed to analyse and discuss Alfarabi’s views of practical
reasoning and some concepts and problems related with it. In the philosophy
of Alfarabi, as in the meaning of the act of deliberative faculty, practical
reasoning is described as goal-directed, and knowledge-based, and action-
guiding reasoning because it contains thinking about instruments or means
which lead to the goal and decision process. To choose the particular action
is to decide definetely about the action which is both under power of human
being and possible. At the same time, the explaination of the fulfilled action
in the syllogistic form rationalizes the action. The decision after thinking by
means of deliberative faculty indicates the deliberative desire. While agent’s
reason is expressed in the premises of syllogism, the conclusion of syillogism
constitutes the action. The realization of act on the contrary of conclusion of
syillogism brings about the weakness of will in the meaning of the
incontinence that indicates acting against beter judgment. That one takes
under control of his desires means the continence and so signify no differance
between his thought and act.
关键词:Deliberation, deliberative desire, practical reasoning, practical reason,
practical wisdom, practical syllogism, decision, choice, volition, weakness of
the will, incontinence.