期刊名称:Discussion Papers / Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration
摘要:We describe a new approach to the problem of resolving
distributional conflicts between an infinite and countable number of gen-
erations. We impose conditions on the social preferences that capture
the following idea: If indifference or preference holds between truncated
paths for infinitely many truncating times, then indifference or prefer-
ence holds also between the untruncated infinite paths. In this frame-
work we show (1) how such conditions illustrate the problem of combin-
ing Strong Pareto and impartiality in an intergenerational setting, and
(2) how equity conditions well-known from the finite setting can be used
to characterize different versions of leximin and utilitarianism.
Journal of Economic Literature Classification Numbers : D63, Q01.
Keywords: Intergenerational justice, Leximin, Utilitarianism.