出版社:Japan Institute for Labour Policy and Training
摘要:In this paper, I conduct exploratory examinations on the factor of human re-
source management which has an impact on temporary agency workers’ will-
ingness to work. Based on the characteristics of temporary agency work’s em-
ployment structure, I sort out human resource management functions by client
firms and temporary agencies and statistically analyze the impact of these hu-
man resource management functions on willingness to work for client firms,
willingness to work continuously for client firms and willingness to work con-
tinuously through temporary agencies. As a result of the analysis, it become
apparent that (i) human resource managements of both client firms and tem-
porary agencies have an impact on willingness to work, (ii) the impact of hu-
man resource management of client firms is different from that of temporary
agencies’ one depending on the type of willingness to work and type of human
resource functions and (iii) for temporary agency workers, the human resource
management of client firms has more impact on their satisfaction with the cur-
rent way of working and the human resource management of temporary agen-
cies has more impact on their future prospects. It indicates that in order to en-
courage their willingness to work and use them effectively, it is necessary to
establish a mechanism of the human resource management on the basis of a
long-term inter-organizational relationship between client firms and temporary