出版社:European Commission Directorate-General for Economic and Financial Affairs
摘要:This is the second in a two-part issue of the ECFIN Country Focus looking at
household consumption in the UK. Given the strong house price inflation of recent
years, and historical links between house prices and consumption in the UK, this
Country Focus asks if there are likely to be significant negative wealth effects from a
period of falling house price growth – particularly given the UK’s painful experience
in the early 1990s, when a house price crash coincided with a deep recession?
This note finds some evidence that historic links between house price growth and
consumption appear weak in the current cycle, suggesting that the risks to the wider
economy from a fall in house prices are lower than might have been expected.
Some structural factors have been at work – but coincident developments in other
variables may have helped offset, and potentially disguise, some wealth effects.
Equally, wider real economy developments should help to support consumption
going forward, even if house price growth slows, or reverses. Risks remain,
particularly in the exposure of some lower-income groups – but together with the
finding in the previous note that the current debt burden seems largely manageable,
the risks to the wider economy appear smaller than often assumed.