期刊名称:Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Skodowska. Sectio B, Geographia, Geologia, Mineralogia et Petrographia
出版社:Maria Curie-Sklodowska University, Lublin
摘要:Podzolic soils of the Landscape Park ``Podlaski Przełom Bugu'' were classified into the following soil units: rusty soils, subtype - proper and brownish soils (Haplic Arenosols and Cambic Arenosols) and podzolic soils (Haplic Podzols). Most of the investigated soils show properties which correspond with criteria for such soils, acc. to the Polish Soil Classification, e.g. soil morphology and their physical and chemical properties. The specific pedological feature of this region is occurrence of some non-typical rusty soils, with high sorptive capacity, considerable contribution of basic cations, particularly Ca++ and high degree of base saturation. The distribution of these soils correspond generally to the area of glacial and tectonics displacements and to the borders of two mesoregions: Wysoczyzna Siedlecka and Równina Łukowska.