期刊名称:Journal of Environmental Hydrology (ältere Jahrgänge)
摘要:The chemical and isotopic composition of water discharging from springs, surface and
groundwater in the Litani river basin were studied. The data include field measurements of
specific conductance, pH, total dissolved solids and laboratory measurements of major
element chemistry, stable
H and
O isotope ratios (δ2
H and δ18
O) of water. Water
samples were collected during 2004 and 2005. Geochemical analysis indicates that sea spray
influences the major ionic composition of the downstream river. Water quality changes over
the course of the river in the central Bekaa plain near the Karaoun reservoir. This area drains
percolated and infiltrated water that contains relatively elevated concentrations of nitrate
originating from agricultural runoff. Isotopic results for δ18
O and δ2
H show that the river can
be divided into three main parts relative to water quality. The upper part, near the headwaters,
is directly influenced by precipitation input, while the mid course of the river is influenced by
input from the Litani tributaries and the effluents from man's activities. The lower reaches of
the river are exposed to high evaporation. In the Karaoun reservoir, isotope enrichment with
respect to the Litani river is calculated to be more than 3‰ in δ18
O and 10‰ in δ2
H. The
groundwater in Karaoun basin is recharged by direct river infiltration and infiltration from the
reservoir. The percentage of reservoir recharge varies from 28.5% to 20.7% in the groundwa-
ter system