期刊名称:Freiberger Arbeitspapiere / Technische Universität Bergakademie Freiberg
出版社:Technische Universität Bergakademie Freiberg, Fakultät für Wirtschaftswissenschaften
摘要:Using micro-level panel data of about 35,000 firms from the German Cost Structure
Census, we analyze the differences of technical efficiency across industries. Technical
efficiency is estimated by firms’ fixed effects. One striking result is that the distribution of
technical efficiency across industries is positively skewed. This is because the efficiency
distribution is truncated at the lower end due to the least efficient firms which exit the
market. We investigate the causes of technical efficiency differences across industries. Our
econometric analyses provide evidence that capital and human capital intensity, the degree
of vertical specialization as well as new firm formation rate are important for explaining
the average technical efficiency of an industry.
关键词:Technical efficiency, cross-industry study, efficiency distribution