期刊名称:Freiberger Arbeitspapiere / Technische Universität Bergakademie Freiberg
出版社:Technische Universität Bergakademie Freiberg, Fakultät für Wirtschaftswissenschaften
摘要:A new approach in German innovation policy organizes contests of proposals for
developing innovation networks. Based on an overview of the different programs, we
investigate the advantages, problems and limitations of such an approach. We find that
this type of policy may have a relatively large impact and can, therefore, be regarded as
a rather efficient instrument of innovation policy. Compared to conventional policies,
administration of the program is a much more critical issue. The contest approach may
stimulate learning effects on the side of the administration but may also require a high
degree of flexibility. The main disadvantage is the additional time that is required for
conducting the contest. As a distinct ‘picking the winner’ approach, the contest
approach is not suited as a means for achieving a leveling-out of regional welfare levels