摘要:This article presents selected results of the third wave of the OeNB Euro Survey, which was
conducted in Central, Eastern and Southeastern Europe (CESEE) in October/November 2008,
i.e. at a time when the global f inancial crisis had arrived in Europe. Therefore, this article
focuses on f irst evidence of households’ reactions to the crisis by comparing the most recent
results with those of the preceding survey wave of May/June 2008. Although people’s general
assessment of the economic situation and their trust in banks have both deteriorated substan-
tially, according to our results, this has not (yet) changed people’s behavioral patterns in terms
of their foreign currency holdings. In particular, the dissemination of euro cash holdings and
euro-denominated savings deposits remained stable relative to earlier waves of the OeNB
Euro Survey.
关键词:Euroization, global f inancial crisis, economic sentiment, survey data, CEE, SEE