出版社:SISSA, Scuola Internazionale Superiore di Studi Avanzati
erent samples of silica aerogel, which will be used as one of the radiators
in the Ring Imaging Cherenkov of the LHCb experiment, were tested in a charged
particle beam at CERN. Pions and protons with momenta ranging from 6 to 10 GeV/c
traversed tiles of di
erent thickness and di
erent optical qualities, both hydrophobic and
hydrophilic. Data were taken using as photodetectors up to four large diameter pad
HPDs, produced at CERN. They showed an excellent signal to noise ratio, and provided
coverage of up to 2/5 of the ring. Results on photon yield and resolution on the Cherenkov
angle are discussed. Separation between pions and protons is demonstrated over the whole
momentum range