摘要:Business intelligence and information logistics have become an important part of teaching curricula in recent years due to the increased demand for adequately trained graduates. Since these fields are characterized by a high amount of software and methodology innovations, teaching materials and teaching aids require constant updating. Teradata has teamed up with lecturers and researchers to build and run a portal to support teaching business intelligence and information logistics. This article describes how faculty can use the Teradata University Network (TUN) to prepare and run courses by reusing teaching materials and running state-of-the-art commercial software provided in an application service provider model. It furthermore describes experiences with an actual course on management information systems taught by the authors. Students’ feedback on the course design is presented and conclusions are drawn on two similar courses. Our action research results show that students’ adoption of and feedback about such courses has been very encouraging.
关键词:Business intelligence, Information logistics, Data warehousing, Teaching resources, Teaching platform