摘要:In physical education there is a two-way relation between acquiring moving skills and the mechanisms ofimpulsion. The goal of the present text was to confirm the effect of this kind of model observation on theinternal impulsion of the participants. Fifty three high school girls of 12-15 years old, separated randomly intolevels, in three teams and practiced in one common intervention programme consisted of 12 practice sessions forthe volleyball skill acquisition (the serve skill – ball reception). The participants of the 1st and the 2ndexperimental teams were receiving as feedback a model observation, while all the three teams were receivingverbal instructions during the intervention programme. At the beginning and the end of the intervention the trainees fulfilled the questionary (Ryan 1982) for the internal impulsion. For the statistic process of the internal impulsion data, the method of fluctuation analysis with 2 factors (3X2) was used. The level of importance wasdefined as p<0.5. The outcome demonstrated that no type of feedback influenced essentially the internal impulsion. There were only tendencies in favor of the second group.