This article presents some results from the work of the Social and Professional Insertion Observatory of Youth from the Mauricie (in the province of Québec), work that aims to follow the school trajectories of the region’s young people starting from the moment they enter kindergarten. Three cohorts of students, who started kindergarten in 1983, 1988 and 1992, were followed until 2004 or until they were no longer registered with the Ministère de l’Éducation, du Loisir et du Sport. This study shows that less than 55% of students succeed in obtaining their secondary school diplomas in the prescribed time period. Moreover, between 28 % and 38 % of the students from each cohort were identified as learning disabled at least once during their school careers. Very few of these students obtained their high school diplomas or continued on to post-secondary studies. It therefore seems urgent to take a critical look at the current situation of youth in this administrative area. This could also contribute to the reflection on the same question in other regions or provinces where graduating within the prescribed time period is a challenge for a large proportion of the students.