期刊名称:DIW Diskussionspapiere / Deutsches Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung, Berlin
出版社:Deutsches Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung, Berlin
摘要:In Europe, there are significant differences in the extent and in the structure
of in-work poverty. Based on a comparison of 20 countries the present study
analyses to what extent this is due to the differences in the institutional
framework conditions of a given country. The analy-ses are based on micro data
from the EU Statistics on Income and Living Conditions (EU-SILC) of 2006 and
macro data from different sources. The analyses distinguish between different
steps in the process of income generation and redistribution. The starting point
is the question whether a person's own income from work is sufficient to avoid
poverty. Further steps regard the role of the household context (needs and
further income) and the effect of state redistribution (taxes and transfers).
This comprehensive perspective allows for a separation of labour market related
and other influences on the risk of in-work poverty.
关键词:Poverty, Employment, Working Poor, Welfare State