期刊名称:DIW Diskussionspapiere / Deutsches Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung, Berlin
出版社:Deutsches Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung, Berlin
摘要:This paper regards the incidence of in-work poverty and how it is reduced by the
payment of social transfers in 20 European countries. It combines a micro- and a
macro-level perspective in two-level models. The basis for the analysis is
micro-data from the EU Statistics on Income and Living Conditions (EU-SILC) 2005
and macro-data from sources such as the OECD and Eurostat. The broad comparative
perspective allows for a separation of different institutional influences,
namely the influence of the degree of decommodification, defamilisation and
bargaining centralisation. In contrast to previous studies on the working poor
which have mainly described country differences in in-work poverty, this paper
focuses on the question of how such differences can be ex-plained from a broader
perspective of poverty research. In general, the results confirm the overall
hypothesis that both welfare state measures and labour market institutions have
an influence on in-work poverty. By analysing influences on pre-transfer poverty
and poverty reduction separately, I show that such factors have varied effects
on in-work poverty. While bargaining centralisation proves to be relevant for
the distribution of pre-transfer incomes only, the set-up of the social security
system in particular im-pacts the extent of poverty reduction.