期刊名称:DIW Diskussionspapiere / Deutsches Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung, Berlin
出版社:Deutsches Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung, Berlin
摘要:Since the turn of the millennium the problem of credibility of the social
security system has spread to the private pension funds sector. This is evident
for those countries, like Australia and Iceland, that have very large funded
pensions assets as a result of strong pension reforms. The problem of trust
could prevent pension fund investment from continuing to grow, weakening the
privatization of the social security system. The objective of this study is to
obtain new insights into the determinants of pension funds. We focus our
analysis on the Australian and Icelandic experiences to study the credibility of
pension fund performance and, as a consequence, of pension reform. Our
credibility indicator is derived from a CAPM time-varying model. It can be used
to investigate, using a Markov switching model, the linkages between economic
fundamentals and the credibility of pension fund investment and the asymmetric
effects of the fundamentals in the two regimes of low and hight credibillity.
Our findings make a contribution to modelling policy credibility as a non-linear
process with two distinct regimes. We also found large differences in the value
of the coefficients for all macroeconomic variables between the low and high
credibility regimes. This evidence strongly supports the hypothesis that the
effects of macroeconomic fundamental variables on the level of credibility are
asymmetric in all countries.
关键词:Credibility, pension funds, Kalman filter, Markov switching model