出版社:Suntory Toyota International Centres for Economics and Related Disciplines
摘要:We introduce a model of redistributive income taxation and public expenditure.
Besides redistributing personal income by means of taxes and transfers, the
government supplies goods and services. The government chooses the tax schedule
that is found acceptable by the largest share possible of the population. We
show that there is a unique income tax schedule that is universally acceptable.
The progressivity of the income tax is shown to depend on the composition of the
public expenditure and on the substitutability between the goods and services
supplied by the government and the consumption goods privately obtained through
the market. We test the empirical implications of the model. Specifically, we
use OECD data to observe the relationship between marginal tax rates and the
distribution over the taxpayers of the benefits produced by the specific
composition of the government expenditure in the provision of goods and
services. We confirm that for lower elasticities of substitution between public
and private goods, there is a negative relationship between marginal tax rates
and pro-taxpayerbias, and for higher elasiticities, there is a positive
关键词:Government policy, Income Taxation, Public Expenditure