期刊名称:Discussion Papers / School of Business, University of New South Wales
摘要:Dmitruk and Koshevoy [1991 JET] provided a complete characterization of the class
of technologies for which there exists an efficiency index satisfying the F¨are-Lovell [1978
JET] axioms. The technologies implicit in the standard mathematical-programming
methods of measuring efficiency, data envelopment analysis (DEA) and free-disposal-hull
(FDH) analysis, belong to this class. We assess the ability of three well-known indexes,
the Debreu-Farrell index, the F¨are-Lovell index, and the Zieschang index, to satisfy not
only the F¨are-Lovell axioms but also continuity axioms (for technologies as well as input
quantities), on this restricted class of technologies. Our principal conclusions are that
(a) restriction to these data-based technologies adds continuity in input quantities to
the properties satisfied by the F¨are-Lovell and the Zieschang indexes (thus eliminating a
salient advantage of the Debreu-Farrell index), but (b) none of the indexes satisfies all
F¨are-Lovell axioms (nor all continuity axioms) on either DEA or FDH technologies, and
hence (c) trade-offs among the indexes remain. These findings provide motivation for the
search for an index that does satisfy these axioms on DEA and FDH technologies.