摘要:Pricing and risk management for longevity risk has increasingly become a ma-
jor challenge for life insurers and pension funds around the world. Risk transfer
to ¯nancial markets, with their major capacity for e±cient risk pooling, is an area
of signi¯cant development for a successful longevity product market. The structur-
ing and pricing of longevity risk using modern securitization methods, common in
¯nancial markets, has yet to be successfully implemented for longevity risk manage-
ment. There are many issues that remain unresolved in order to ensure the successful
development of a longevity risk market. This paper considers the securitization of
longevity risk focussing on the structuring and pricing of a longevity bond using
techniques developed in the ¯nancial markets, particularly for mortgages and credit
risk. A model based on Australian mortality data and calibrated to insurance risk
linked market data is used to assess the structure and market consistent pricing of
a longevity bond. Age dependence in the securitized risks is shown to be a critical
factor in structuring and pricing longevity linked securitizations.