摘要:As defined-contribution (DC) pension plans grow in importance, so too
should our understanding of their implications on an individual and aggregate
level. In the present paper, we examine the retirement behavior of
workers under a DC pension scheme. Using a simulation approach, we
compare and discuss the outcome of three retirement decision models: the
option-value model, the two-thirds replacement-ratio benchmark model, and
a newly developed ‘myopic’ model. Our findings suggest that central features
of the myopic model could be suitable for a DC participant, while
the two-thirds model appears overly simplistic, and the option-value model,
originally applied to defined benefit plans, results in inappropriate retirement
patterns when applied in a DC environment. The myopic model is
concluded to possess numerous advantages over the other two models. It is
theoretically more appealing, less complex, and its formula structure implies
a more logical relationship between an individual’s pension and their age.