期刊名称:Departmental Discussion Papers / University of Glasgow, Department of Economics
出版社:University of Glasgow, Department of Economics
摘要:In a neoclassical growth model with monopolistic competition in the product
market, the presence of cyclical factor utilization enhances the stabilization role
of countercyclical taxes. The costs of varying capital utilization take the form of
varying rates of depreciation, which in turn have amplifying effect on investment
decisions as well as the volatility of most aggregate variables. This creates an
additional channel through which taxes affect the economy, a channel that enhances
the stabilization role of countercyclical taxes, with particularly strong effects in the
labor market. However, in terms of welfare, countercyclical taxes are welfare inferior
due to reduced precautionary saving motives.
关键词:countercyclical taxes, capital utilization, stabilization, welfare