The ever-growing usage of aspect-oriented
development methodology in the field of software engineering
requires tool support for both research environments and industry. So
far, tool support for many activities in aspect-oriented software
development has been proposed, to automate and facilitate their
development. For instance, the AJaTS provides a transformation
system to support aspect-oriented development and refactoring. In
particular, it is well established that the abstract interpretation of
programs, in any paradigm, pursued in static analysis is best served
by a high-level programs representation, such as Control Flow Graph
(CFG). This is why such analysis can more easily locate common
programmatic idioms for which helpful transformation are already
known as well as, association between the input program and
intermediate representation can be more closely maintained.
However, although the current researches define the good concepts
and foundations, to some extent, for control flow analysis of aspectoriented
programs but they do not provide a concrete tool that can
solely construct the CFG of these programs. Furthermore, most of
these works focus on addressing the other issues regarding Aspect-
Oriented Software Development (AOSD) such as testing or data flow
analysis rather than CFG itself. Therefore, this study is dedicated to
build an aspect-oriented control flow graph construction tool called
AJcFgraph Builder. The given tool can be applied in many software
engineering tasks in the context of AOSD such as, software testing,
software metrics, and so forth.