摘要:Workplace spirituality is a new
concept, emerged in management and business literature in recent years and it is
even regarded as a new paradigm. Western civilization which has separated
material and spiritual affaires for the four centuries, are now seeking to
integrate them. According to variety of perspectives on spirituality, workplace
spirituality has been viewed from different perspectives in the literature.
Three main perspectives are: 1) Religious perspective, which considers
spirituality as being in compliance with a certain religion orders; 2) Intrinsic
perspective which considers spirituality as an internal issue; and 3)
Existential perspective which considers spirituality as a search for finding
meaning in life and work. This research first reviews the literature of this
concept and then with an intrinsic conceptualization, for the first time
considers it as an antecedent of organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) among
employees of Tehran University faculties. OCB includes discretionary behavior
that is not part of formal job and is not considered directly by organization
formal reward system, but improves organizational effectiveness. In recent
years, this new variable has received lots of attention, because of its power to
predict the organizational effectiveness. The results of testing this research
hypothesis with Structural Equations Modeling (SEM) method indicate that there
is a significant relationship between Workplace Spirituality and Organizational
Citizenship Behavior
关键词:Workplace spirituality ـ Organizational citizenship behavior ـ Work