摘要:Economies at early stages of development are often shaken by abrupt changes in
growth rates, whereas in advanced economies growth rates tend to be relatively
stable. To explain this pattern, we propose a theory of technological
diversification. Production makes use of different input varieties, which are
subject to imperfectly correlated shocks. Technological progress takes the form
of an increase in the number of varieties, raising average productivity. In
addition, the expansion in the number of varieties in our model provides
diversification benefits against variety-specific shocks and it can hence lower
the volatility of output growth. Technological complexity evolves endogenously
in response to profit incentives. The decline in volatility thus arises as a
by-product of firms' incentives to increase profits and is hence a likely
outcome of the development process. We quantitatively asses the predictions of
the model in light of the empirical evidence and find th at for reasonable
parameter values, the model can generate a decline in volatility with the level
of development comparable to that in the data.