摘要:This study uses a longitudinal data source to study the effects of
conflict-induced displacement on labour market outcomes for Bosnians in post-war
Bosnia and Herzegovina. To account for endogeneity in the displacement status, I
exploit the fact that the level of violence in the pre-war residence likely
affected the displacement decision for Bosnians and yet is not associated to
economic performance. I find evidence of positive selection into displacement,
i.e. more "able" individuals in terms of labour market outcomes are more likely
to be displaced, and that displaced Bosnians men and women are less likely to be
in work relative to stayers. Interestingly, whereas this translates into higher
unemployment for men, it decreases women's participation with no effect on
unemployment once selection is accounted for. The informality of the labour
market in BiH and the destruction of networks are not only the most plausible
candidates to explain the high cost of displacement in terms of labour market
outcomes, but they also help rationalise the lack of an effect on participation
for displaced men. However, differences in selection suggest that the experience
of war was highly contrasted along gender lines and that sociological and
cultural factors may also play a significant role.
关键词:civil conflict, labour market, migration, panel data