期刊名称:Economic Assessment of the Euro Area / Euroframe
出版社:The Economic and Social Research Institute
摘要:Ireland’s exceptional economic growth in recent years has led to an influx of
immigrants. Given the favourable economic climate into which these immigrants are
arriving, it is interesting to ask how their earnings and welfare dependence compare
with the native population. To the extent that strong economic growth produces good
labour market opportunities for immigrants, earnings disadvantages may be lessened
and any tendency towards welfare dependence may be reduced. Data from a
nationally representative sample drawn in 2004 are used to assess the earnings of
immigrants in Ireland relative to the native population and also the rate of welfare
receipt across the two groups. Immigrants are found to earn 18 percent less than
natives, controlling for education and years of work experience. However, this single
figure hides differences across immigrants from English-speaking and non-English
speaking countries. We also find evidence of a wage gap for immigrants with third
level educations, relative to comparable natives. On average, immigrants are half as
likely to have been in receipt of social welfare payments in the previous twelve
months relative to natives. A difference in welfare participation remains when we
control for the higher education attainment of immigrants.