摘要:This contribution describes the ways in which various European host countries’ stereotypical
imageries of Albanians as being culturally particularly prone to violence have
forced contemporary transnational Albanian migrants into subversive strategies and practices
of identity mimicry. This powerful stereotypical imagery, a sub-category of balkanism
known as Albanianism, can be traced through various European historical literature and
contemporary policy as well as in historical auto-imagery which all have always mutually
mirrored and influenced each other. The study finds that ‘Albanian violence’ valorised
according to political and economic interests, i.e. romantically glorified as ‘noble’ or
demonised – typically in reference to customary kanun traditions and customary ideals of
heroism, manly courage and honour – in both hetero- and auto-imageries. But, equally,
mutually sceptical attitudes (Occidentalist and Orientalist) can be identified as well as the
historical precedents for outsiders appropriating paternalist protectionism towards the
Albanians in reference to ‘primitive’ local customs. In the end it emerges that, today, it is
exactly those criminals – who by their actions help to perpetuate essentialist generalisations
of Albanian violence – are the ones benefiting from contemporary Albanianism in implicit
discursive alliance with contemporary, exclusivist, immigration policy.