出版社:Universidade Federal do Parana̧, Departamento de Psicologia
摘要:Currently, the aging process of the world's population has awoken interest in the development of initiatives aimed at "senior citizens". In 1995, the changes made to Brazilian policies regarding retirement lead to a significant increase in the number of applications for retirement made by civil servants employed at the Paraná Federal University (UFPR). With the aim of encouraging people to think again about this phase of their lives and preparation for the retirement process, the Retirement Preparation Program (PPA) was set up in 1995 through the university'sDepartment of Human Resources and Student Issues (PRHAE), in partnership with the Department of Psychology. Intervention was made at two levels, one institutional and the other through groups, with emphasis on those employees who were two years away from retirement. Field research was done with the potential target audience and this research served to justify and fundamentthe scheduling of the intervention activities with groups called Retirement Guidance Groups (GOPA). Intervention strategies were aimed at awareness-raising, information, preparation and reflection on the meaning of this moment of transition. The results highlighted the importance of continuing with the program and its systematic expansion, in contrast with a culture based on the "here and now" and unconcerned with prevention, effectively offeringpossibilities of improved quality of life and personal growth.